The School for Rural Culture and Creativity is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The School is a labor of love. We have no paid staff, and only a minimal operating budget. This means that every dollar makes a significant impact towards renovations and programming.

With a gift of $200 or more you can become one of our Rural Scholars and receive a free print. Visit our “News” page to learn more.

Checks can be made out to “The School for Rural Culture” and sent to: The School for Rural Culture and Creativity c/o Tia Regier, 206 N Reed, Matfield Green, KS 66862

Make a Donation

2023 RURAL SCHOLARS: Jane Koger, Karl Rohlich, Ronald and Cora Regier, William and Julia McBride, Matthew and Tia Regier, Edward Agran, Sally Mahe, Mary Hardiman, Douglass Miller and Holly Swartzendruber, Shirley Power, Grant Snider, Don and Michelle Wolfe, Mary Harwood, Paula Haas, Elaine Jones, William Metcalf, Flint Hills Books, Edwin and Amy Cheek, Kelly Yarbrough, Lori and Joel Soo Hoo, Nathan Esau, Gena Dellet, Derek and Katherine Hamm, Prairy Foundation, Diana and Kelly Werts, Sandy Patzman, Marcy Smalley, Vidya Giri, Dana Fritz, John Hardwig, John Lawrence,